Sunday, May 26, 2013

Motivation: Current status

Motivation:  At this time at the end of Week 8, I am struggling with my motivation to put in the language-learning time that I need to reach my final goals.  The process of writing a term paper based on this learning experience is strongly competing for my time and mental activity.  I feel very conflicted about this because I want to prove to myself that I do have the ability to be a self-directed learner and be accountable to my self-made goals.  I also found that my research into the Zapotec people and language is a separate project in its own.  Unfortunately, this side project may have to be put on the backburner for now.  I am also highly distracted mentally by an upcoming trip to Asia.  I want to learn a little Japanese and Korean to be able to handle very basic interactions and travel needs.  I don’t even know how to ask for the restroom in these languages.  This could be an embarrassing problem.  I just began using the Pimsleur Quick & Simple Korean, but it takes time! (And by the way, it’s not quick or simple.  I have to listen to the lessons over and over again because I guess I’m not a “good language learner.”  I am being a little sarcastic.)  I will also mention that I have continued with my once a week Hebrew lesson during this entire ‘odyssey.’  I plan to create an ISP for Hebrew learning in the near future.  Over the past several weeks, I noticed an increase in my motivation and efforts in learning Hebrew.  I believe that my mind has been more receptive to all language learning since I began using an ISP and increasing my awareness of the learning process.  I was also inspired to develop more discipline in prioritizing Hebrew study time.  Nonetheless, this week, I have lost my motivation for anything that I don’t need to do right now; and unfortunately, that includes Hebrew.  I cannot justify the time.  I almost resent my personal obligation towards it at the moment.  I will continue my lessons for the next couple of weeks for maintenance, but will reserve all my study time for Isthmus Zapotec, Korean, and Japanese.  (Good thing I decided against including China into this trip as well!) 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if a good definition of "good language learner" would simply be someone who identifies as a one.
